I don't know about you, but I've felt quite a bit like I've been hibernating all winter. There's been a whole lot of sitting going on... and not too much else. Sad, but true. Since spring is on its way and most of us (hopefully) are seeing some warmer days here and there, I think it's just about time to do something useful with that springtime itch. Time for a challenge!
Move More in March!
Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to remind us that we need to get up and get moving. A few decades ago this wasn't a problem for most folks--there was plenty of work around the house or on the farm to keep us moving from pretty much dawn till dusk. But today we've got everything from cars to dishwashers to elevators to remote controls to make sure we can stay nice and comfy in our chairs as much as possible. Heck, with online shopping you don't even have to walk around the pesky mall searching for the perfect cardigan anymore! Just click away on that mouse.
Well, unfortunately, our bodies weren't made to sit in a chair tapping at the keyboard or pushing buttons on the remote all day. But for a lot of us, that's what it's come to lately. Yeah, I've spent a lot of time condemning over-exercising, but you guys know I'm all about balance. And the truth is that most of us are out of balance when it comes to movement.
Stay Tuned and Win!
Need some motivation to get moving? No problem! I'll be posting about what kind of movement is most important for health, what type of exercise is most effective for your goals, and how to get more movement into your day without stressing about it.
Want even more incentive? I've got it covered. I'll be giving away some great prizes that will help you out with this challenge.
Join the Challenge!
How do you join? Just comment below about your goals for this month's challenge. Do you need to move more? What's your plan of action to get off the couch and get moving? What do you think is holding you back?
Don't miss a single post: subscribe to this blog to make sure you stay updated about the Move More in March Challenge. You can also join the discussion on The Nourished Life's Facebook fan page.
This post is part of Real Food Wednesday and Fight Back Friday.