
Pics from My Garden This Year

How is your garden doing this year? Spring is nearly over and the summer heat is in full swing here in Alabama. The temperatures are pushing 100 degrees every day and the rain hasn't graced us with a reprieve from the heat in quite some time. So things are dry (to say the least!) but I'm glad to say our garden is still pulling through nicely.

Our first crop of potatoes is doing well this year.  My neighbor planted rose gold potatoes in our plot this spring. Rose gold potatoes have an unusual and beautiful color. They are a rosy pink color on the outside, and when you open them up, their flesh is a deep gold. And their taste? Nothing less than spectacular.

To the right you'll see what the rose gold potato plants looked like a couple of weeks ago.

And below is a glimpse at a few of their delicate blossoms--I had no idea potatoes could be so pretty!

We've been bombarded with cicadas this year. A few weeks ago their sound was almost deafening. Every time I walked outside, it sounded like a fleet of alien spacecraft was landing nearby. The cicadas are mostly quiet now, their music replaced by the conversation of crickets and tree frogs. Below is a cicada who is presumably playing dead. The fellow flipped over on his back and was generous enough to stay completely still while I took his picture. Where he disappeared to after this was taken I can only imagine. (Being in my neck of the woods he probably ended up as a hen's supper, though.)


I must confess I'm not a huge fan of eating my veggies, but I will gladly partake in vegetables that I actually enjoy eating. And though that list is admittedly small, I do love summer squash and zucchini. I'm glad that we've dedicated a large portion of the garden to both of those, and every day when I visit the garden there are a few more ready to be picked!

It may not be truly extraordinary, of course, but there is something deeply satisfying about harvesting dinner from your own garden. Here is a picture of our first picking--it's quite a small harvest, but then it's only the beginning. There's quite a lot more where this came from!

Join Me this Season for a Gardening Adventure!

There's still plenty of time to plant a garden and grow your own this summer. Join me and other Real Food Media bloggers along with our readers this year as we share our gardening experiences on our blogs. We'll also be sharing photos of everything we grow on the Seeds of Change Facebook Page.

To participate in the garden challenge, please shop on the Gardening Supplies and Seeds section of my Resource page. Order your seeds and let’s get planting!

You can also become a fan of Seeds of Change on Facebook. When you have photos of your garden, post them on their wall! Be sure to include a photo caption and a link to the Virtual Garden photo album here:

Next you can follow Seeds of Change on Twitter: (If you want to Tweet about the campaign and encourage your followers to join in the fun, remember to use the special hash tag #sowingmillions.)

Please note: I wrote this post while participating in the Sowing Millions Project by Real Food Media on behalf of Seeds of Change. I received product and exclusive content to facilitate my post. My thoughts and opinions are my own and not those of Real Food Media or Seeds of Change.