
The Easiest Coconut Oil Fudge You'll Ever Make!

Coconut is fast becoming one of my favorite real food products. Now, I'll be perfectly honest: I usually buy expeller-pressed (refined) coconut oil. Frankly, I find this allows me to use coconut oil more often since it has virtually no taste. I mean, no offense to the almighty coconut, but I don't want coconut-flavored scrambled eggs. So we all get a hefty dose of coconut oil every day without necessarily getting a hefty dose of the flavor.

But don't get me wrong: I love coconut. Coconut flour, fresh coconut, dried coconut, coconut water--it's all good. And when you combine coconut and chocolate together... well, it's nothing short of heaven on earth. So I've been hunting around and tweaking coconut fudge recipes until I came up with the simplest one-step recipe I've ever found. Bonus? It tastes freakin' awesome.

The Easiest Coconut Oil Fudge You'll Ever Make

1/2 cup virgin coconut oil
1/2 cup organic cocoa powder
1/4 cup raw honey
dash of vanilla (optional)

Mix ingredients in a medium glass bowl until smooth. Spread into a small glass container (a 6 x 6 square worked for me) and refrigerate until solid (about an hour). Cut into squares and savor every bite!

Tips for this recipe: This time of year my coconut oil is soft enough to mix straight into the recipe. Come wintertime, however, coconut oil may need to be gently melted first.

Easy variations: You can get creative with this recipe and add shredded coconut, almonds, or walnuts as desired. Have fun with it!

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