
Check Out This New Podcast with Ann Marie Michaels on Protein, Moods, Health and Longevity, How to Cook Organ Meats, and More!

In case you didn't catch it live, you can listen to the podcast I did with Ann Marie from Cheeseslave below:

Listen to internet radio with The Nourished Life on Blog Talk Radio

See if this doesn't make you want to take the plunge and learn to cook organ meats and oysters! Talking with Ann Marie made me feel a little braver in the kitchen. I think I'm going to work on doing more seafood and organ meats. We also talk about Julia Ross's book The Mood Cure as well as the GAPS diet (from Gut and Psychology Syndrome), and how the new e-course Surf and Turf fits in perfectly with a healing diet. There's also some great discussion about how much of an impact a nourishing diet can have on our children and the next generation. Don't miss it!