
Five Ways You Can Gain Health and Vitality for Free (or Nearly Free)

They say the best things in life are free, and when it comes to your health it couldn't be more true. Sure, anyone can spend a fortune on superfoods, detox treatments and natural cleaning products. And while all of these can be beneficial, sometimes it's more than our budgets can handle. We have to prioritize and do what we can to live a healthy lifestyle in whatever place we are in life. Fortunately, good health doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are five ways anyone can boost their health and vitality without spending a dime (or maybe just a few dimes):

1. Sunlight

Thank goodness Uncle Sam hasn't figured out how to patent and tax the health benefits of a daily dose of sun. Spending 10-20 minutes in direct sunlight every day is the perfect way to boost your vitamin D and neurotransmitter supply. It can help regulate your circadian rhythm as well. I always notice I sleep better when I've spent some time in the sun that day. (Stay tuned for an upcoming post on the truth about sunlight and cancer next week!)

2. Dry Skin Brushing

One of the most effective - and inexpensive - detox treatments imaginable is dry skin brushing. All you need is a simple natural-hair brush and a few minutes before you hop into the shower each morning. Dry skin brushing stimulates detoxification through lymphatic circulation. It also gently exfoliates, leaving skin soft and supple. Read more about dry brushing here.

3. Hot Baths

Right up there with dry skin brushing, a comfortably hot bath is a simple and inexpensive way to detox. Not to mention 20 minutes in the tub is a perfect way to relax and unwind after a hectic day. And why not light a few candles and put on your favorite music while you're at it? Add apple cider vinegar, baking soda, sea salt or epsom salt to your bath to really facilitate detoxification.

4. Warm Water and Lemon in the Morning

Breakfast may be called the most important meal of the day, but before chowing down, try this: have at least 8 ounces of warm water with a slice of lemon or just some lemon juice shortly after waking in the morning. This rehydrates the body after a long night and supports the kidneys and liver as well as the digestive system. Then have breakfast a half hour later. Now that's the way to start the day.

5. Mother Nature

Similar to the first suggestion but not quite the same, spend some time in nature as much as possible. A few minutes a day can work wonders. People weren't meant to spend life indoors under fluorescent lights and in front of computer screens. Escape to a park, a garden or your own backyard. Even houseplants can help. The presence of natural water, such as a lake, stream or ocean, is especially soothing and revitalizing. If this is something you can't do every day, then try to make a block of time for nature on a weekly basis instead.

I bet you've got some great suggestions for improving health and vitality on the cheap, and I would love to hear them! Leave a comment below to share.

This post is part of Pennywise Platter Thursday at The Nourishing Gourmet and Fight Back Friday at Food Renegade.