
Welcome to The Nourished Life!

Welcome to The Nourished Life. Thanks for visiting my blog from Natural News. Let me tell you a little bit more about who I am and what I do.

About Me 

My name is Elizabeth Walling. I'm the writer behind The Nourished Life (and yes, the person hiding out behind all those books!). I've had the privilege of writing for Natural News since 2008. In fact, writing for Mike Adams is what helped give me the inspiration to start a blog of my own. (Thanks, Mike!)

If you want to know a little more about me, you can check out my About page, but the short version is this: I'm a writer and health researcher who lives in Alabama with my husband and two young children. We drink raw milk, unschool and basically enjoy living outside of the box.

About The Nourished Life

This blog is about how to live a nourished life. I don't claim to have all the answers, but I am passionate about learning to be healthy and happy in this life. And I love sharing what I learn with others. I'm always interested in hearing what my readers have to say about my posts. I love to hear both sides of an issue. So always feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below any of my posts. I'd love to hear from you.

Here are some examples of posts you might find on this blog:

Nutrition and Recipes

The Easiest Coconut Oil Fudge You'll Ever Make!
10 Reasons Why I Love Butter
How to Make Raw Milk Kefir
How to Make Raw Milk Yogurt
Vegetable Oils Cause Cancer

Dieting and Weight Loss

Is Emotional Eating Really Emotional?
It's More Than What You Eat: It's How You Live
Coconut Oil's Role in Weight Loss and Metabolism
Does Yoga Help With Weight Loss?

Healthy Living 

Dear Body...
The Number One Ingredient to Avoid
Why Stress is Killing You and What You Can Do About It

Natural Living

6 Shampoo Alternatives for Life Without Suds
21 Home Remedies for Migraines and Headaches
Safe Cookware and Toxic Cookware

A Note for Vegans and Vegetarians:

I'm not a vegan or a vegetarian (as you may have noticed), but I realize many Natural News readers are. I respect everyone's right to choose what they put in their bodies. Although I eat meat and drink milk, I do not agree with commercial farming methods. I do support local farmers who treat animals humanely and raise them in a natural environment.

And whether or not you agree with eating animal products, I think we can both agree on one thing: informed decisions are vital to our health, our happiness and the core of our very existence.

Stay Connected With Me

If you want to keep up with new posts to this blog, you can subscribe here. You can also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.